Setting Up Infrastructure with Terraform

To automate and streamline the deployment of infrastructure for CREDEBL, we use Terraform.

You can easily deploy the required infrastructure by following the steps below.


  • Terraform installed on your local machine. You can download it from the official Terraform website.

  • An AWS account with the appropriate permissions to create and manage resources.

    The following AWS permissions are required for this deployment:

    1. EC2 Full Access

    2. S3 Full Access

    3. CloudWatch Full Access

    4. ECR (Elastic Container Registry) Full Access

    5. ECS (Elastic Container Service) Full Access

    6. EFS (Elastic File System) Full Access

    7. VPC Full Access

    8. IAM Full Access

  • Ensure the cloud provider’s CLI (e.g., AWS CLI) is installed and configured on your local machine with valid credentials. You can follow the AWS CLI configuration guide to set it up.

Steps to Deploy

  1. Clone the Repository: First, get the Terraform code from the repository:

    git clone <your-github-repo-url>
    cd <your-repo-directory>
  2. Configure AWS: Ensure that your AWS credentials are set up. Run the following command to configure the AWS CLI if not done already:

    aws configure

    This will prompt you for your AWS Access Key, Secret Access Key, Region, and Output format.

  3. Create and Configure terraform.tfvars File: Before initiating the deployment, create a terraform.tfvars file by copying the example file (terraform.tfvars-example)provided in the repository. Open the terraform.tfvars file and add values to the variables. These values will be used to customize your deployment, such as the AWS region, instance type, and other required settings. Example:

    aws_region = "us-west-2"
    instance_type = "t2.micro"

Ensure all required variables are set before proceeding.

  1. Initialise Terraform: Initialise the directory containing Terraform files to install the required AWS provider:

    terraform init
  2. Preview the Infrastructure Changes: Run the following command to preview the changes that Terraform will make to your AWS infrastructure:

    terraform plan
  3. Deploy the Infrastructure: When ready, deploy the resources using the following command:

    terraform apply
  4. Confirm the Deployment: Type yes when prompted to confirm and proceed with creating the AWS resources.

Post-Deployment Steps

  1. Create and Configure the .env File: After the deployment, a .env file will be created with Environment name. Open the file and add the necessary values to configure your environment. For example:


    Ensure all required variables are added and saved before proceeding.

  2. Upload the .env File to S3: Once you've configured the .env file, you’ll need to upload it to the S3 bucket that was created during the Terraform deployment.

  3. Update ECS Service: Navigate to the ECS (Elastic Container Service) in the AWS Console. Go to the Cluster that was created by Terraform. Inside the cluster, locate the Services and set the Desired Task Count to 1 (or your desired number of tasks) to launch the container.

    This step will start your application as defined in the ECS service.

Access the Terraform Code

The full Terraform configuration for this deployment is available in the following GitHub repository:

  • Terraform Code for AWS Deployment

Tearing Down AWS Resources

To delete the AWS resources created by Terraform, run the following command:

terraform destroy


  • For setting up NATS keys for authorization, please refer to the documentation on NATS authorization for more details.

  • Ensure that the required AWS IAM roles and permissions are in place before deploying.

  • For additional details or troubleshooting, refer to the Terraform AWS Provider documentation and the Terraform documentation.

Last updated